NBA 2K19 Official Roster Update
Free 100% Download NBA 2K19 Official Roster Update 05-01-2019How To Install NBA 2K19 Roster Update
Unzip the file. Copy the 841370 folder to C:/users/public/public documents/steam.
What's New In The Update ?
- Playoffs 5st Round
- New Trade Jimmer Fredette
- Official List Update
- All-Star Charlotte 2019
- all the new Ratings update
- New shoes KD 11, Harden 3, Jordan 33
- New Jerseys! And all the new Ratings update.
Information and Download:
Date of Update : 05-01-2019
link off
how to apply this update?
cant download
incorrect password
How to install
how to i even download this? i get redirected to another site and nothing happens. i can't download
Guys you are gonna get redirected scroll down and wait for your link to get ready there is a count down.
Wait 30 seconds then click on Create a download link
where is the dw link?
cant download with facebook

Done Update links.
Thank you On alert
Upload still in progress…
I Don't know how to download it! can't find the link! Please help
media fire the download site its already down cannot download it anymore pls fix it
wheres the download link?
Download not available
Media Fire link says "This file can not be downloaded because there was a problem with the upload. If possible, contact the person uploading the file to ask them to upload it again. "
Done Update links.
Thank you On alert
redirected to, there's no download link.
да кто не скачал ссылку тот рак неумытый
Wait 30 seconds.
ananın amına sok link gibi
how to install this update?help please
Unzip the file. Copy the 841370 folder to C:/users/public/public
no instruction?
This page has been updated
why there is no action replays?
Thanks for the alert, the error will be processed
When i use this, the unifrom of all stars are not updated.
This is the last update
after i copy paste to steam, this roster is not updated. still same like before i download it
give me a link please
there no 841370 folder. how to fix?
Inside the Steam folder there is this 841370 file
after i copy to folder steam, my roster still same, not be updated
You can have your latest update
when are we having a new roster update?
has been Update Roster
after i copy to steam folder, my roster is same , still not change !!!
Mediafire something appears to be missing?
password provided is incorrect
password is not working
password working
works great thanks
How to download link?
go link wait 40 sec click create a download link and scrol down and click visit link... link is grean the color.
Tried many times, but password isn't working. Sure "" is the correct password?
Password is working
bro it work but when i pick the new jerseys all players disappered on court. how do i fix it?
how to fix invisible players when using CITY jerseys in Play Now.
bro all players are fucking invisible wtf
Does it work for offline users?
Man, how to fix CITY jersey bugs? (Invisible Player on the Court)
all the new jerseys shows invisible players. how to fix that?
why does the other jersey wont work?
u can fix earned or city jersey by updating the game to the lastest version
password sir?
how to update the game to the latest version? offline user here
Password isn't
okay its worked you shouldnt copy paste you should write your hands
type the password please. is not working
players become invisible when i select nike city jerseys
Compatible with kicksology mod?
cant play the game, suddenly it's force closed
whats wrong with the link
the players are invisible when used the alternate jerseys.. how to fix it?
how to apply roster?
the players are invisible when i used the city jerseys.. how to fix it?
i got redirected here.
Where is the actual link? It redirects me, after I scroll down, to some random virus scanner BS.
how to download this file
how to download this file
how to fix invisible players when I use the city Jersey?
New jersey makes you invisible ......fix please
no roster file
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